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Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

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Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

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Fraudulent Text Alert

Fraudulent Text Alert Hits Our Area

A local scam is occurring in our area to both members and non-members via text messages. Hoosier Hills Credit Union has received several reports of a text message reporting that your Debit Card has been locked. Those receiving the message are asked to call a phone number where they are then prompted by automatic message to enter account information that allows scammers to access their accounts.

As a reminder, HHCU and other reputable financial institutions will never ask you for your credit or debit card number.

The photo is an example of the current scam and contains a few clues to let recipients know it is not legitimate.

  • The sender of the text does not identify who they are with. This helps scammers cast a wider net among those who bank with a variety of different financial institutions.
  • The area code does not match the 800 number listed.
  • The lack of spacing in VisaDebitCard is a tip-off that this is not a message from a legitimate business.
  • Once you call the number, you are prompted to enter sensitive information, such as your full card number. This is a tip off. Your financial institution will not ask you for this information. We already have it. We may ask you to confirm the last four digits, but for your protection, we will not ask you to provide your complete card number or Social Security number.

When Hoosier Hills and other reputable financial institutions make a call about fraud concerns, we will always identify ourselves.

If you still have doubts, you may hang up and call us back at 800.865.2612 to verify the call or text came from, or on behalf of, Hoosier Hills Credit Union.

For more information about how to stay ahead of those who seek to steal your account information, visit the Fraud Center at


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