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Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

Free - On the App Store


Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

Free - On the App Store

Solar Loans

Here To Help. For All Your Solar Project Needs.

​Ready to lower your home energy costs?

And make a positive impact on the environment along the way?

Apply Today

Make a positive difference in your life and the world by investing in solar energy.

There are many benefits of investing in solar including producing sustainable energy, saving on energy costs in the long-term, leaving a smaller carbon footprint and becoming energy independent. Getting started is easy. Apply online today.

  • Competitive Rates
  • Terms up to 180 months (15 years)
  • Loan amounts up to $90,000

Begin building toward a brighter future today.

We're Ready To Help!

Apply Online

Fraudulent Text Message Alert

Please be aware that fraudulent text messages are being sent by an unknown entity portraying themselves as HHCU. Remain vigilant and do not click on any links. To verify an alert, contact us by phone at 800.865.2612, email us as, or notify your local Service Center.

An example of a text message received:

A screenshot of a text message received that reads HOOSIER HILLS CU: Your E-pay of $725 to Emily Wampler has been processed. If this was not you go to (fraudulant URL) to cancel.