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Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

Free - On the App Store


Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

Free - On the App Store

Financial Fitness Starts Now

Resolve to Save with the 2-By-2 Savings Challenge

Saving Can Be Easy

Build gradually to stick with it!

Get the Chart

Financial Fitness $2 at a Time

You can start your journey to financial fitness with just $2. By increasing your deposit by $2 every two weeks, you could end the year with $700 for your next savings goal! Get the chart to see how it works.

Online and Mobile Banking make transfers a snap.

Prefer to automate your savings? We can help you set up automatic deposits to help keep your savings on track. You can save $500 per year by depositing less than $20 every two weeks. Visit your nearest Service Center or call us at 800.865.2612. We’d be happy to help you get your 2020 off to a healthy and wealthy start.

  • Begin with just a $2 deposit
  • Gradually increase by $2 every two weeks
  • Save more than $700 in 2020!

Fraudulent Text Message Alert

Please be aware that fraudulent text messages are being sent by an unknown entity portraying themselves as HHCU. Remain vigilant and do not click on any links. To verify an alert, contact us by phone at 800.865.2612, email us as, or notify your local Service Center.

An example of a text message received:

A screenshot of a text message received that reads HOOSIER HILLS CU: Your E-pay of $725 to Emily Wampler has been processed. If this was not you go to (fraudulant URL) to cancel.