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Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

Free - On the App Store


Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

Free - On the App Store

Financial Fitness Starts Now

Resolve to Save with the 2-By-2 Savings Challenge

Saving Can Be Easy

Build gradually to stick with it!

Get the Chart

Financial Fitness $2 at a Time

You can start your journey to financial fitness with just $2. By increasing your deposit by $2 every two weeks, you could end the year with $700 for your next savings goal! Get the chart to see how it works.

Online and Mobile Banking make transfers a snap.

Prefer to automate your savings? We can help you set up automatic deposits to help keep your savings on track. You can save $500 per year by depositing less than $20 every two weeks. Visit your nearest Service Center or call us at 800.865.2612. We’d be happy to help you get your 2020 off to a healthy and wealthy start.

  • Begin with just a $2 deposit
  • Gradually increase by $2 every two weeks
  • Save more than $700 in 2020!

High Yield Money Market

Your Hard-Earned Wealth Deserves Secure Growth and Easy Access.

You can have safety, flexibility, and a high return with our High Yield Money Market!

Learn More