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Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

Free - On the App Store


Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

Free - On the App Store

How can I add additional security to my Debit or Credit Card?

Balance Transfer

  • We have several ways for you to proactively protect your debit and credit cards. You can sign up for our free CardValet app which gives you several options, including setting monetary and geographical limits and locking and unlocking your cards from your phone.

    If you have an HHCU Credit Card, you can register for the Verified by Visa Service. This adds a passcode of your choosing to online purchase for an additional layer of security.

    If you suspect your cards have been lost or stolen, give us a call at 800.865.2612, or at 800.472.3272 after regular business hours.

  • During normal business hours, call us at 800.865.2612. After normal business hours, call 800.472.3272.

  • For security reasons we do not have access to your PIN numbers. You will set your PIN when activating your card. To change your PIN, you can call 800.862.0760 or make the change at an ATM machine.

  • Daily limits are $3,000 for Point of Sale/PIN transactions and $1015 for ATM transactions. These are in place for your protection against fraud. If you know of a situation in which you will need Point of Sale/PIN transactions lifted, give us a call and we’ll be happy to help! ATM transaction limits are not able to be lifted.


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