Donation Drive Results
Community Donations: $2,810 | HHCU Contribution: $8,900 | Total Funds Raised: $11,710
About Pantry 279
Pantry 279 was originally started by 12 sixth through eighth graders from Girl Scout Troop 69-279. What an impact their initial idea has had on our communities! Pantry 279 served 25 people on their opening day November 2, 2015. By February 2020, they had grown exponentially, feeding 3,500 people per month in 28 counties. And then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. At that point, things changed even more drastically, and they were serving 8,000 people per month in 30 counties.
Those in need may come to Pantry 279 to get food stuffs, meat, produce, and bread once a week. They also have additional programs including 7 community gardens, a summer supplemental food program for children while school is out, Thanksgiving Box program, and Elf Dispatch child gift giving program at Christmas.
Visit the Pantry 279 website for more information: