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Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

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Hoosier Hills CU Mobile

Free - On the App Store

Scammers Team Up

Beware! Cybercriminals have upped their game by joining forces and utilizing advanced technology to steal money through a multi-pronged wire transfer approach using a team of hackers and scammers.

Recent attacks have occurred like this:


  1. An unsuspecting account holder receives a call from what appears to be his/her financial center’s fraud department to verify a suspicious transaction, and the phone number appears legitimate.
  2. The scammer “verifies” the account holder’s information by asking him/her answers to security questions, and then texts a “secure” link to the account holder to “securely” log in.
  3. While still on the phone, the account holder logs in and sees what appears to be suspicious account transactions.
  4. The account holder is asked to send the remaining money in their account to a separate, “safe” account via wire transfer.
  5. While the account holder is on the phone with the hacker, a second scammer impersonates the member while on the phone with the actual financial institution and authorizes a true wire transfer from the account holder’s account to the fraudulent account.

If you receive a call like this, HANG UP! Call your financial service provider directly from a number you know to be valid, explain the situation, and ask for help in determining whether or not your account is at risk.